Balloon vine, Love in a Puff, Heart Seeds deciduous, subtropical perennial herb very health benefitsIt can easily propagate from seeds Just sow seeds FebJ Saussurea costus is a herb belonging to family Asteraceae family which comprises almost 1000 genera and 30,000 species that is distributed more or less throughout the globe About 177 genera and 1052 species are found in India The genus Saussurea DC is composed of 300 species in the world and about 61 species are availableHere at the Hudson Valley Seed Company, we love seeds, and plants that climb, and seed pods you can dry This oldfashioned ornamental vine gives us the triple love right back Known variously as Balloon Vine, LoveinaPuff, and Heart Seed, the paper lanternlike seed pods of Cardiospermum halicacabum (Cardio = heart, Balloon Vine Facts And Health Benefits Balloon vine plant benefits in hindi